Status: Idle


Script folder is not writable! Saving settings imposible. Change folder rights to 666 for saving settings.
Background sending is not available (see Self Diagnostics)
Thread nubmer:
Timeout in seconds: плавающая
History max length
Send in background
Transfer text in base64
Save sended to txt log
Insert test email every emails
Test email
Outservers functionality is not available (see Self Diagnostics)
Use external servers for sending

Read documentation to learn more about external servers.

(Unavailable will be auto-removed)

Check log:
Script file is not writable! Password change imposible. Change file rights to 666 for password change.

Use http proxy
File is writable (666 или 777) ? Need for password change
Directory is writable (666 или 777) ? Need for autocreation of settings and bg sending files
Settings file is writable (666 или 777) amsettings.php ? Need for settings saving
Background sending files is writable (666 или 777) - "" and "" ? Required for background sending
Shell folder uploaded ? Shell folder and modules inside it required for using shells
Cross server requests (allow_url_fopen) ? Need for shells and images auto attach
POST request maximum size (post_max_size) ? Influence on max letter size
Maximum file upload size (upload_max_filesize) ? Influence on maximum attach size


    NameFormatExampleWork on fields
    To[TO-EMAIL][TO-EMAIL]All, except "TO"
    From, name[FROM-NAME][FROM-NAME]All, except "From, name"
    From, email[FROM-EMAIL][FROM-EMAIL]All, except "From, email"
    Reply email[REPLY-EMAIL][REPLY-EMAIL]All, except "Reply email"
    Subject[THEME][THEME]All, except "Subject"
    Additional field[ADD#] where # field number starting from 0[ADD0]All, except # additional field
    Random number (5000-6000)[RAND][RAND]All
    Random number in range[RAND-from-to][RAND-1-10]All
    Random text (from options)[RAND:Choice 1|Choice 2|And so on][RAND:Hi|Hello|Wellcome]All
    Text options enumeration[ENUM:Choice 1|Choice 2|And so on][ENUM:First|Second|Third]All
    String multiplication[(String)*#] where # means multiplication times[(бе)*3]All
    String by string output from local file[FILE:File_Name.txt][FILE:jokes.txt]All
    String by string output from URL[URL:][URL:]All
    Current date[DATE] \ [DATE-#] \ [DATE+#] where # is amount to add or substruct from current date[DATE] [DATE+5]All
    Current day[DAY] \ [DAY-#] \ [DAY+#] where # is amount of days to add or substruct from current day[DAY] [DAY+5]All
    Current month[MONTH] \ [MONTH-#] \ [MONTH+#] where # is amount of months to add or substruct from currentу month[MONTH] [MONTH+5]All
    Current year[YEAR] \ [YEAR-#] \ [YEAR+#] where # is amount of years to add or substruct from currentу year[YEAR] [YEAR+5]All
    Current time[TIME] \ [TIME-#] \ [TIME+#] where # is amount of minutes to add or substruct from currentу time[TIME] [TIME+5]All
    Current hour[HOUR] \ [HOUR-#] \ [HOUR+#] where # is amount of hours to add or substruct from currentу hour[HOUR] [HOUR+5]All
    Current minute[MINUTE] \ [MINUTE-#] \ [MINUTE+#] where # is amount of minutes to add or substruct from current minute[MINUTE] [MINUTE+5]All
    Current web shell[OUTSERVER][OUTSERVER]All, during sending through web shells.


    alexusMailer 2.0.8 - © Alexus Lab 2025